How to use?

  • You need Node.js on the host device for Mimir to be functional. Download Node.js if you don't have it.
  • Download the Mimir server-side application on the device you wish to control, and extract the files.
  • Run 'install-packages.bat' to install the dependencies.
  • Run 'start.bat' to start the server.
  • Get the local IP address of the device you wish to control. You will be asked to enter it when you use any of the utilities.
  • To get the IP address, you can enter 'ipconfig' in the command prompt and find it listed next to the 'IPV4 Address' property
  • Note: Your local IP address may be different on different networks.
  • Open the Mimir Website on another device, to be used as a remote control.
  • Click/tap on the utility you want to use.
  • Enter your IP address when prompted and you're all set.
  • Run 'stop.bat' to stop the server when you're done.